Yves Tumor | Artist

Yves Tumor | Artist

Tags: Era_2010s, Genre_Ambient, Genre_Art_Rock, Origin_USA, Type_Artist

Sean Bowie, aka Yves Tumor, is an American producer of experimental electronic music born 1993 in Miami, Florida and currently based in Turin, Italy. Tumor started making music at age 17 as an outlet to "get away from his dull, conservative surroundings." He taught himself to play drums, bass, guitar, and keyboards. He moved at age 20 to San Diego, and after college to Los Angeles, where he met Mykki Bianco whom he later toured with for two and a half years throughout Europe and Asia. Tumor's style is characterised by the use of unsettling percussive loops and field recordings to create moods and strange urban soundscapes. He cites Throbbing Gristle as a major influence, saying: "There's something about their music, like the hypnotic trance vibes, that really influenced me". To-date he has released four studio albums which have, increasingly, been getting rave critical reviews. Outstanding albums include Serpent Music, Experiencing the Deposit of Faith and Safe in the Hands of Love. The latest 2020 album Heaven to a Tortured Mind is highly recommended.

Artist Website: yves-tumor.bandcamp.com

Featured Albums: Yves Tumor

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