Ants From Up There | Feature Album

Black Country New Road Feature Album

The British masterminds have outdone themselves again with one for the ages. BCNR again embrace their undying ambition for grander lengths and moments, with the formula heard on their future-classic debut, 'For the First Time' now expanded and improved in leaps and bounds.

The parting of lead vocalist Isaac Woods in the week before its release makes the sweet sorrow of moments like those heard on 'Snow Globes' more crushing with the weight of his departure being felt in the knowledge that this is his final contribution to the act. Regardless, groundbreaking performances from all members are here in spades. At times dipping into baroque pop and at others post-rock and simple folk, the genres fuse to create the magic that is 'Ants From Up There'.

This is the sound of a band crafting something wholly unique. Moving past the influence of Arcade Fire, Slint and American Football, the band strive to build a creative legacy to match and in this case, exceed their creative contemporaries from the windmill camp. This is the new benchmark in the movement for ambition, quality and pure emotion and the band moves mountains and breaks barriers again for just what can be achieved within these ideas and sounds. From the abandoned love of 'Bread Song' to the tension of 'The Place Where He Inserted the Blade', the band show incredible range across 10 tracks of uncompromised vision.

Few albums can be as highly recommended as 'Ants From Up There', but Black Country, New Road again reach for new height, and surpass with ease.

'Ants From Up There' and 'For the First Time' are available in the Store now.

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