Sofa King | Feature Album

Feature Album Royel Otis

It’s rare to see a relatively new band deliver such a high-quality of material straight from the outset.

Royel Otis are taking the best from the tried and true traditions of guitar rock and refining them with an energy and brightness that’s making them one of the most exciting new Australian bands in recent years.

‘Sofa Kings’ follows their decent debut EP ‘Bar & Grill’ from last year, which features their blueprint track ‘Oysters In My Pocket’. Whilst good, the material on this EP is great, and proves them as ones to watch.

Tracks like the tongue-in-cheek title track show them capable of writing anthems, with ‘Kool Aid’ then showing the other side of the coin for making an audience move. But their range isn’t just limited to their early mastery of a radio hit (see ‘Going Kokomo’), as their also putting together washed-out and more intimate sounds on closer ‘Farewell Warning’ and ‘Letter From Roy’.

The bands pacing is impeccable and in the style of some of their slickest precessions (see Beach Boys and The Strokes for that incredible sun-bleached sound that they’re channeling) It’s a rare joy to see a band nail an original vision as well and as concisely as they do here.

We can’t recommend them higher as a band to watch, and ‘Sofa Kings’ is the proof.

Limited signed copies of ‘Sofa Kings’ are available in the Store now. 

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