Beach House | Feature Artist

Beach House Next Wave

The band we cannot keep in stock is our proud Next Wave feature for July.

Omnipresent in the new American indie scene since the mid-2000s, the dream-pop idols, Beach House, are by far one of the most established and successful Pitchfork prodigies of recent times.

With an admirable back catalogue to boot, their 2010 breakthrough 'Teen Dream' is our go-to for the hot run of gems that BH released throughout the last decade. From the patient opening tracks of 'Silver Soul' and 'Zebra' to the driving percussion of '10 Mile Stereo', and the emotional climax of 'Take Care', the album is a classic out of their signature glossy atmosphere and melancholy moods you could cut with a knife.

With 2012's 'Bloom', 2015's 'Depression Cherry' and 2018's '7', the band have created enough material of the thick reverb-laden indie rock to last a lifetime. They have truly earned their status as a cornerstone of new alternative rock as they are as approachable as they are layered. The washed-out aesthetics and crystalline production creates calming disorientation that is now their beloved trademark.

If they were to break up tomorrow, they will have made their mark, and leave us with one of the best discographies of recent years. Beach House is an easy recommended for any day of the week.

'7' available now with restocks available soon.

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Featured Albums: Beach House

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