Purple Overdose | Artist
Purple Overdose was a Greek psychedelic rock band formed 1987 in Athens, Greece, by Costas Constantinou (vocals, guitar), George Papageorgiades (bass), and George Nikas (drums). Many other musicians passed through the band's ranks but Constaninou remained the only constant member throughout the band's history. Purple Overdose recreated the psychedelic atmosphere of the mid 1960's while blending hard rock, jazz, oriental and even some folklore into their music. The lyrics were written in English by Constantinou, and can be described as poetic and somewhat sentimental, while also drawing inspiration from the flower power movement of the 1960's. They embraced ideals of nature, and freedom of spirit. Before splitting in 2005, the band released 5 studio albums, 2 live albums and a compilation album. All their releases are recommended, as is the 2012 archival set Gemineye: The Last Ever Recordings. The first album Exit 4 (1988) upon its release received critical acclaim. The arrangements on this debut album are slightly simpler than on later albums, incorporating elements of hard rock with psychedelia. The second album, Indigo (1990) marks a move towards more complex compositions. The self-titled third album introduces the flute (Vasilis Kapanikis) and elements of jazz, and a further move towards more progressive compositions. In the same vein is their forth album, Solemn Visions (1996) which experiments in places with a curious mixture of blues and oriental influences. The fifth studio album, Reborn (1999), is arguably the pinnacle of their career, and is regarded by many as a minor masterpiece of psychedelia. This album features longer spacier compositions, and again a variety of styles, showing the band at full maturity. Of the live releases of particular note is The Salmon's Trip (2001) whose title is taken from the track Reborn, a track which describes the life cycle of the salmon fish. The band gave its farewell performance in Sept 9, 2005, and Constantinou died in May 2020, at the age of 60. The Greek Purple Overdose are not releated to the Australian band of the same name.
Artist Website : discogs/Purple-Overdose-2
Featured Albums: Purple Overdose
Related Artists: Costas Constantinou, Allison, Lemonade Influence, No Man's Land
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