Elephant9 | Artist
Elephant9 is a Norwegian progressive/neo-psychedelic/jazz-rock trio formed 2006 in Oslo by Ståle Storløkken (keyboards), Nikolai Eilertsen (bass) and Torstein Lofthus (drums). On many of their records they also include Swedish prog-rock guitarist Reine Fiske. The trio released their debut album Dodovoodoo in 2008, and followed up with Walk the Nile in 2010, both on the Rune Grammofon label. Walk the Nile won the equivalent of Norway's Grammy Award the Jazz category, and has drawn considerable praise from both the jazz and rock communities worldwide. One reviewer commented "If you like overdriven Hammond organ and Rhodes piano - completely fuzzed out to the maximum - all immersed within interesting instrumental compositions, then Elephant9 are for you". To-date they have released five studio albums and three excellent live albums. Standouts include Atlantis, Silver Mountain, Psychedelic Backfire I and Psychedelic Backfire II.
Artist Website: facebook/elephant9music/
Featured Albums: Elephant9
Related Artists: Reine Fiske, Morte Macabre