Durutti Column | Artist

Durutti Column | Artist

Tags: Era_1980s, Genre_Ambient, Genre_Industrial, Origin_UK, Type_Artist

The Durutti Column is an English post-punk band formed 1978 in Manchester, UK by Vini Reilly. The band was originally formed by Tony Wilson and Alan Erasmus, managers of Factory Records who rounded up some local punks, one of whom was Vini Reilly from the band Ed Banger and the Nosebleeds. Initially there were several musicians including Tony Bowers and Colin Sharp but they left and Reilly became the mainstay of the band thereafter. The band worked closely with producer Martin Hannett who also worked with Joy Division to create a characteristic 'Factory' studio sound. In the early days Reilly played support for many Factory bands at The Haçienda club and was often booed off the stage, as illustrated in the movie 24 Hour Party People. In hindsight, Reilly is one of the central players of the Manchester post punk scene. The band's first two releases The Return of the Durutti Column and LC are superb albums. Other standouts include Without Mercy, The Guitar and Other Machines, Vini Reilly and A Paean to Wilson.

Artist Website: thedurutticolumn.com

Featured Albums: Durutti Column

Related Artists: Martin Hannett, Mothmen, Vini Reilly

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