Spiderland | Feature Album

Classic Albums Slint

Post-Rock Progenitors

Menacing spoken word and dissonant guitars across broken time signatures, Slint's 'Spiderland' is an enigma that continues to reveal itself some 30 years on. Released in the landmark year of 'Nevermind', 'Loveless' and 'Laughing Stock', this one still stands out as it remains to be the odd one out for it being the album from the American group (beyond the 1989 'Tweez' EP).

It lies alone in its subversive, dark atmosphere that channels grunge and the sounds of Gang of Four, but in a menacing fashion that makes the music steer away from anything of the like. Whether that be the nightmarish opener 'Breadcrumb Trail' with the lucid imagery of death and rollercoasters, or rather the almost Nick Drake-like pace of 'For Dinner...'.

We're focusing on this release more than ever as its influence is beginning to reveal itself. 'Spiderland' is a cornerstone for the sounds of the new euro revival courtesy of the Windmill Hotel/Speedy Wunderground area with Black Midi, Squid and especially Black Country, New Road channelling the lyrical passages of Brian McMahan on songs like 'Athens, France' and 'Reggae'. The album is gradually removing itself from critical obscurity and into the direct light of influence for some of the best new bands.

'Spiderland' is finally seeing its much due praise beyond the corners of post-rock, as it is inspiring to see the brilliance of the record recontextualised to create cutting edge, compelling music.

'Spiderland' is available in the store now.

Gallery Page: Spiderland

Featured Albums: Slint

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  • Mark Hopley on

    Great piece on an absolute gem of an album. Nirvana will always get the accolades but the other three mentioned were truly timeless and influential. Interesting comment on Black Country, New Road’s first album – exactly what I thought when I first played it. Always love it when someone mentions Laughing Stock. Still my favorite album of all time and a million miles from Talk Talk’s synth pop days.

  • Ross on

    Did you know that the photo for the album cover was taken bu Bonnie Prince Billy?

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