Eduard Artemiev | Stalker (Soundtrack) | Album
Edward Artemiev "Music From Andrey Tarkovsky's Motion Pictures Stalker & The Mirror" (1990)
LP (NEW) - Vinyl, Mupymup, Russia, 2013, MIR100709, 889397102227, Reissue
Edward Artemiev is one of the greatest Russian experimentalists of music. In the 1960's he was inspired by the unique photoelectronic keyboard ANS and we can say that after basic knowledge of this device the electronic music appeared in the USSR. The talent of this amazing composer was highly appreciated by the most significant Russian films directors such as A. Tarkovskiy, N. Mikhalkov and many others. They were attracted by the spacy high-power sophisticated sounds and the special atmosphere of the music that could allow using it for creating the most mysterious and delicate scenes. This vinyl consists of the soundtracks to two films of A. Tarkovskij: Stalker and The Mirror.
Artist Website: wikipedia/Eduard_Artemyev
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