Cluster | Artist

Cluster | Artist

Tags: Era_1970s, Genre_Electronic, Genre_Kosmische, Origin_Germany, Type_Artist

Cluster was a German musical group formed 1971 in Berlin by Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Dieter Moebius. The duo was central to West Germany's krautrock and kosmische music scenes and a frequent collaborator with fellow ambient experimentalists Conny Plank and Brian Eno. The first formation of the group in 1969 included Conrad Schnitzler and was called Kluster. The albums Cluster and Cluster II, released in '71 and '72 respectively, were revolutionary and have been described as "a dislocating, disorienting meld of random space music, industrial noise, proto-ambient atmospherics, feedback, and soundwash". The following albums Zuckerzeit and Sowiesoso are superb examples of so-called "Kosmiche" or "Space Rock" ambient electronic music and generally regarded as the group's finest releases. Other outstanding releases include the duo's two collaborations with Brain Eno: Cluster & Eno and After The Heat. Moebius and Roedelius have each released many excellent solo albums and have released albums under the collaboration named Harmonia. The 2016 compilation Kollektion 06 Cluster 1971-1981 provides an excellent introduction to the work of these seminal ambient-electronic artists.

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Featured Albums: Cluster

Related Artists: Moebius, Roedelius, Brian Eno, Kluster, Harmonia

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