Chicken Shack | Artist
Chicken Shack was a British blues band founded 1965 in Stourbridge, UK by Stan Webb (guitar, vocals), Andy Silvester (bass), and Alan Morley (drums). They were later joined by Christine Perfect (vocals, piano) in 1967. Chicken Shack was one of the early wave of British blues revival bands, their lineup has undergone many changes, Stan Webb being the only constant member. Starting out, David "Rowdy" Yeats and Andy Silvester had formed Sounds of Blue in 1964 as a Stourbridge-based rhythm and blues band. They invited Stan Webb, who was leaving local band The Shades 5, to join them. That band also included future Fleetwood Mac mainstay Christine Perfect, and Chris Wood who would go on to join Traffic. Chicken Shack was formed as a trio in 1965, naming themselves after Jimmy Smith's Back at the Chicken Shack album. Perfect was with the band between 1968-69 and featured on their first two albums before leaving to join her future husband John McVie in Fleetwood Mac. Webb and Silvester also played in Savoy Brown for a few years when 'Shack was on a break. Webb also formed the short-lived band Broken Glass, together with Robbie Blunt, Miller Anderson and Keef Hartley, which released one self-titled album in 1975. Chicken Shack's sound is defined by Stan Webb's excellent blues guitar work which is well displayed on their excellent 1968 debut album 40 Blue Fingers Freshly Packed and ready to Serve. Their fifth album, 1972's superb Imagination Lady was more focussed on heavy blues-rock than their other work. Outstanding albums include 40 Blue Fingers... (1968), OK Ken? (1969), 100 Ton Chicken (1969), Accept (1970), Imagination Lady (1972) and the 2005 compilation The Complete Blue Horizon Sessions.
Artist Website: brumbeat/chickens
Featured Albums: Chicken Shack
Related Artists: Stan Webb, Christine McVie, Fleetwood Mac, Savoy Brown, Broken Glass