Grouper | Artist

Grouper | Artist

Tags: Era_2000s, Gender_Female, Genre_Ambient, Genre_Psych, Origin_USA, Type_Artist

Grouper is the solo project of American musician, artist and producer Liz Harris, born 1980 in West Marin, California. She has released material on her own label and other independent labels since 2005. Harris grew up in a Fourth Way commune which was inspired by the philosophy of George Gurdjieff. The community was known as "The Group", which is where Harris got the name for her project. After finishing college, Harris moved to Los Angeles where she worked with Mayo Thompson from experimental rock band Red Krayola. After releasing four albums and several singles which went largely unnoticed, she had a breakthrough with her fifth album Dragging a Dead Dear Up a Hill, which attracted critical praise. This was followed in 2011 by the two album series A I A: Alien Observer and A I A: Dream Loss, which were also critically well received. Her musical style could be described as ethereal ambient psychedelic pop, influenced by bands such as Cocteau Twins, The Microphones and Julee Cruise. Reviewers have also pointed out sonic similarities to Renaissance period composers such as Gesualdo and Monteverdi. To-date Grouper has released 13 studio albums, standouts include Cover The Windows And The Walls, Dragging a Dead Dear Up a Hill, A I A: Alien Observer, A I A: Dream Loss, Ruins and Shade. The 2012 compilation A I A packages together the two-part set. Grouper has also collaborated with a number of other artists, including Xiu Xiu, Tiny Vipers, Mirrorring, The Bug, Slow Walkers, Raum and Nivhek.

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Featured Albums: Grouper

Related Artists: Liz Harris, Red Krayola

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