Snog | Artist

Snog | Artist

Tags: Era_1990s, Gender_Combo, Genre_Electronic, Genre_Industrial, Origin_Australia, Type_Artist

Snog is an Australian industrial/techno band formed 1989 in Melbourne by composer, Musician and producer David Thrussell, along with fellow art school friends Tim McGrath and Julia Bourke. Pieter Bourke, who has since worked with Dead Can Dance and Lisa Gerrard, joined the band soon after their 1992 debut album Lies Inc. That same year they also hit the dance floors with their classic electro hit "Corporate Slave". The band's music is a fusion of many different styles, including industrial, techno, ambient, experimental, funk and country. Thrussell's songs frequently contain themes of anti-consumerism, anti-capitalism, individuality and opposition to totalitarian government. To-date the band has released 14 studio albums, standouts include Buy Me... I'll Change Your Live (1997), Third Mall From the Sun (1999), Relax Into the Abyss (2000), Beyond the Valley of the Proles (2003) and the 2006 compilation Sixteen Easy Tunes For The End Times. Thrussell has also released several excellent solo album, plus he releases works under the pseudonym Black Lung and by the duo Soma, together with Pieter Bourke. Recent media references appear to suggest the artist has changed names to Dee Thrussell and now identifies as a woman.

Artist Website: wikipedia/Snog_(band)

Featured Albums: Snog

Related Artists: David Thrussell, Black Lung, Soma, Severed Heads

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