Tactics | Artist

Tactics | Artist

Tags: Era_1970s, Gender_Combo, Genre_Post_Punk, Origin_Australia, Type_Artist

Tactics is an Australian post-punk group formed 1977 in Canberra by mainstay songwriter and vocalist David Studdert. The early lineup included Studdert, Angus Douglas (guitar), Geoff Marsh (bass, vocals), Robert Whittle (drums) and Nicky Baruch (vocals, keyboards, flute). They had an unconventional art-punk style with quirky rhythmic changes that challenged listeners but nonetheless developed an enduring cult following on the Sydney pub and club circuit in the 1980's. They released four studio albums between 1981-90; My Houdini, Glebe, Blue and White Future Whale and The Great Gusto, plus a live album The Bones of Barry Harrison. After a 29 year hiatus the reformed band released a new album Early Shift at Charles de Gaulle, in 2019. The 1996 compilation CD The History of the Sky is also highly recommended but very rare.

Artist Website: wikipedia/Tactics_(band)

Featured Albums: Tactics

Related Artists: David Studdert

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