Madvilliany | Feature Album

Classic Albums Madvillian

 Our adoration for 'Madvilliany' should be no mystery by now.

The album is one of the easiest recommendations to come out of music in the last 20 years. The sheer level of creative mastery from MF DOOM and Madlib remains a shining beacon of what can be achieved through collaboration.

The masterminds behind it have gone on to legendary status, with this being the defining moment where they pivoted from underground stars to benchmark figureheads. From the Blue Note Invasion to now producing for Freddie Gibbs, the idiosyncratic beats of Madlib still ring as smooth today as they did in 2004.

The lyrical assault of Doom remains impressive as the intricacy still leaves us dizzied after countless listens. His untimely passing last year is a colossal loss to the creative potential of music, and this project is the perfect epitaph from one of the best contributors to rap in history.

From 'Accordion' to 'All Caps', everything presented is orbiting if not delivering perfection.

We finally have it back in stock, and implore you to add it to your collection today.

Madvillainy Available in Store Now


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