Ground-Zero | Artist
Ground Zero was a Japanese noise/improvisation band formed 1990 in Tokyo, led by guitarist and turntablist Otomo Yoshihide. The band had a large and rotating group of performers and was originally formed to play the John Zorn "game piece" Cobra. They first played in August 1990 and last played in March 1998. Their music mixed jazz, improvisation, pop and rock performed on a wide variety of electric and traditional folk instruments. They were among the first non hip-hop musicians to use turntables. Their album Revolutionary Pekinese Opera ver. 1.28 is a sound collage piece combining noise music and samples of Peking Opera. On the album Consume Red the performers improvise around a short sample of traditional "hojok" music played by the Korean holy musician Kim Deok Chul. Standout albums include Null & Void, Revolutionary Pekinese Opera ver. 1.28, Consume Red and Plays Standards. Band leader Otomo Yoshihide also has 90 solo albums to his name.
Artist Website: wikipedia/Ground_Zero_(band)
Featured Albums: Ground-Zero
Related Artists: Altered States, Ground Zero, Otomo Yoshihide