Tangerine Dream | Artist

Tangerine Dream | Artist

Tags: Era_1970s, Genre_Electronic, Genre_Kosmische, Origin_Germany, Type_Artist

Tangerine Dream was a German electronic music group founded 1967 in West Berlin by Edgar Froese. Other members came and went including Klaus Schulze, Christopher Franke and Edgar's son Jerome Froese. Edgar was the only continuous member until his death in January 2015. Tangerine Dream are acknowledged as being one of the greatest Electronic/Kosmiche bands of their era, influencing many latter-day bands. Outstanding albums include Zeit, Phaedra, Rubycon, Stratosfear and Force Majeure.

Artist Website: tangerinedream-music.com tangerinedream.org

Featured Albums: Tangerine Dream

Related Artists: Edgar Froese, Klaus Schulze, Agitation Free, Ash Ra Tempel

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