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New York Dolls | Classic Album

Our Classic Album series revisits must-have albums from the '60s and '70s that are as vital today as when they were first released.

Rate Your Music DECEMBER 10, 2007 - by John Peel


I can understand why the Dolls were originally accused of being nothing more than Rolling Stones' wannabes. You can hear the swagger and sway throughout. But, even if that's all this album was it would still be excellent – luckily it's so much more.

This is glam decadence and punk belligerence. This is platform boots, lip gloss and androgynous posturing coupled with a revolutionary screw you attitude that scorches the eardrums – the debauched, sleazy, raunch fairly oozes from the speakers.

But, more than anything, this is just great rock 'n' roll.

New York Dolls is available on vinyl in the Store


