Portal | Artist

Portal | Artist

Tags: Era_1990s, Gender_Male, Genre_Experimental, Genre_Metal, Origin_Australia, Type_Artist

Portal is an Australian extreme metal band formed 1994 in Brisbane, Queensland, by founders Horror Illogium (guitar) and The Curator (vocals). In 2002 the band expanded with the addition of Werm (bass), Mephitic (drums), and Aphotic Mote (guitar). The present day lineup sees Ignis Fatuus on drums and Omenous Fugue on bass. The band members keep their identities obscured and use stage names at all times. Their style is an unorthodox fusion of death metal, black metal, dark ambient and experimental music characterised by heavily distorted guitar riffs, down-tuned rhythms, and vocals ranging from menacing, echoing sound effects to death grunts. Lead guitarist Horror Illogium has described Portal's intent "to capture a cinematic horror scope". Decibel magazine quoted "If Morbid Angel and Gorguts had birthed a German Expressionist child, that unholy creature would be Portal". To-date the band has released Seven studio albums plus a number of EP's. Standout albums include their debut Seepia (2003), plus Outre (2007), Swarth (2009) and ION (2018). The band cites as inspiration for its lyrical themes the characters in H.P. Lovecraft's Mythos, such as Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth, Azathoth and Cthulhu. Their costumes are composed of suits and executioners' masks save for vocalist The Curator, who wears headgear fitting the theme of the latest album, such as a huge, tattered wizard's hat, in the case of Seepia. The idea for these costumes was developed by The Curator and Horror Illogium, who were inspired by fashions of the 1920's and imagery created by actor Lon Chaney Sr. from the silent film era.

Artist Website: wikipedia/Portal

Featured Albums: Portal

Related Artists: Impetuous Ritual, Stargazer

Video Clips: Glumurphonel, Swarth, Kilter

Listen on Apple Music

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